- Prof. Dr. habil. Peter Scharff , Rector, Technische Universtitaet Ilmenau
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Heinrich Kern, Technische Universtitaet Ilmenau
- Prof. Dr. habil. Herfried Schneider, Technische Universtitaet Ilmenau
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Landwehr, University of Applied Scineces Ertfurt
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Hamacher, Universtitaet Bremen
- Dr. Ing Ilham A. Habibie, MBA., President Director, PT Ilthabi Rekatama
- Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Peter Al. Pscheid, Founder, Co-Chairman, IULI Foundation
- Mr. Andreas Kleine, Deputy Head of Economic Affairs, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Jakarta
- Mr. Noke Kiroyan, Chairman and Chief Consultant, PT Komunikasi Kinerja
- Mr. Damien Chapelier, Managing Director, PT. Buhler Indonesia
- Mr. Reinhard Ehrenberger, President Director, Menarini Indria Laboratories
- Mr. Djap Tet Fa, Chief Executive Officer, ASTRA Infra
- Mr. Samuel Siahaan, Executive Director, Eurocham
- Mr. Daniel Loh, President Director, PT BASF Indonesia
- Mr. Jochen Sautter, President Director, PT PRIME Consultancy
- Mr. King Hartono, PT. Robert Bosch