We are happy and proud to announce that our IULI lecturers; Aditya N. Putra, M.Par (Department of Hotel & Tourism Management), Dr. Samuel PD Anantadjaya (Department of International Business Administration), and Dr (cand) Irma M. Nawangwulan, MBA, CPM (Asia) (Department of Hotel & Tourism Management), have successfully published a journal article with the title “Customer Satisfaction as a Result of Combination of Food Display & Quality”, in September 2020, in Journal of Management & Businesss, Vol 19, No. 02, at Universitas Surabaya (ISSN # 1412-3789/eISSN # 2477-1783). This journal has been accredited as a scientific journal by the Ministry of Research-Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia, no. 30/E/KPT/2019, and has been included in Sinta 3
The topic of this article covered food presentation, food display, the quality of food and the influence it has on customer satisfaction in restaurants. The reason this topic was chosen was due to the fact that food presentation has become one of the most important elements in achieving customer satisfaction in restaurants, since it has increased sales.