Dr Samuel Prasetya recently branched out into writing kid’s stories as a change from his own academic published writings and the award winning academic writings of his Business and Social Studies students. Dunia Anak Cerdas (ISBN # 978-602-74742-0-8) is a book, which is divided into three sections with 25 mini-stories within each section. This is suitable for young children and we wish Dr. Sam (Seuss!!) success.
“…karya tulisku… hasil perjalananku ke Desa Cipaku, Sumedang” (ISBN # 978-602-74742-1-5) is a book, which consists of results of a visit to the village of Cipaku in Sumedang, Jawa Barat. This village is threatened with inundation as the result of the government dam. The cultural heritage and artifacts will be gone forever so Dr. Samuel Prasetya, Dean of Business and Social Sciences at IULI worked with others to help students from a Junior High School in Bandung to make a record for posterity of the village’s traditions, ecology, and socio-economic circumstances.