Hotel and Tourism Management Annual Gala Dinner 2018

The 2nd Annual Gala Dinner of the Hotel and Tourism Management (HTM) Students was held on 1 December 2018 at the IULI Guest House. The students of HTM 2016 batch organized the dinner as their final project. It was an impressive evening, as the parents were invited to taste the work of their sons and daughters.

Another guest of honor was the co-founder of IULI Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Peter Al. Pscheid, Dipl.Phys., who gave an opening speech for all guests. The Dean of the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, Dr. Samuel Prasetya and the faculty members also were on the attendance list, such as Dr. Satiri, Irma M. Nawangwulan, MBA, and Tommy Saroso.

The IULI Music Community gave a special opening performance of Indonesian hit songs and ended with Queen’s “Love of my Life.”

The HTM 2016 batch delivered high quality hospitality with attentive service towards the guests, who enjoyed a night of culinary specialties of international cuisine. All this under the supervision of our very talented chef and Head of the Department of Hotel and Tourism Management, Timotius Agus Rachmat, MM (Hos).

The parents also had the chance to come to the front and comment on the food and overall experience as the MC’s Malinda and Iqbal from the Department of International Business Administration called them up to share their thoughts.

The night ended with the HTM students symbolically sending off their hopes and dreams through flying a lantern into the stars. This event was the evidence of a wonderful teamwork being played across IULI’s Departments of HTM16, HTM15, IBA16, IBA17, MGT16, INE16, and MTE16



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