We are thrilled to announce that our students have again successfully acquired intellectual property rights as authors of an academic paper. The paper was written by Syafina Dhiaz Fhahira (Aviation Management 2018), Jasmine Maharani (International Business Administration 2018) and Farid Said Bafagih (Hotel and Tourism Management 2015) and is titled “Our Notes: International Organization Perspectives on HRM, Cruise Ships & Working Conditions”.
The paper was written for the Law 2 course and was supervised by Dr. Samuel PD Anantadjaya and Dr. (cand) Irma M Nawangwulan, MBA, CPM (Asia).
The students have previously written a paper on the same topic and they felt like they could give it more depth and with the approval of Dr. Samuel PD Anantadjaya, they started working on it. “The only difficulties we had was finding reliable sources and searching for articles or news related to the topic of the paper,” said both Syafina and Jasmine. It took them almost 3 months to finish the paper, but luckily all the hard work has paid off well.