During their 3rd semester, IULI’s IBA/MGT students in their International Business class look at the relationship between individual countries and the international stage. Countries will naturally defend their own interests in the international context whether this be militarily, culturally or in trade negotiations. Under the watchful eyes of Dr. Samuel Prasetya, recently, the class was split into groups to debate how they could best defend their country’s interests in the context of international trade and international trade negotiations based on certain trade barriers. Given the fact that the world is divided into nations and trading groups such as ASEAN and the EU, it is important for students to look at the relationship between idealism and reality in the context of nation states. The groups competed with each other to gain the highest marks debating real life situations.
After the mid-term break, students will continue to explore topics relevant to the real world and to their future careers. The IBA/MGT lecturers are committed to go beyond dry book learning and to cover relevant topics in depth in open debate. Future topics include foreign exchange markets, global capital & debt market, international business strategy, international market entry strategy, strategic alliances, global production outsourcing & logistics, and global human resources development. By the end of the semester, students will have a good understanding of a country’s competitive advantage and comparative advantage in the context of the need to protect the nation’s sovereignty (MiE).