20 October 2017 – On 11-12 October 2017, Atsiri Institute of Brawijaya University held the 1st International Conference of Oil Essences participated in by academics, scientists, engineers, businessman and also students who have conducted research in or are interested in the field of oil essences.
A IULI Chemical Engineering student from the Life Sciences Faculty, Amaliya Fardiyani, presented a paper titled “the Natural Earthy Scent from Beetroot Extract by Increasing the Alcohol Production through Fermentation Process”.
It was an achievement for a group of students from the IULI Chemical Engineering Department to conduct research to develop a method of getting a concentrated earthy scent through a fermentation process. This paper was produced by Amaliya Fardiyani and Mariani Natasha and was inspired by the earthy scents that came in the wine-making process. Yet the earthy scent was not found in the original source of wine, which is grapes. It inspired the students to replace microorganisms used to produce this kind of scent in nature (Actinomycetes Bacteria) with common organisms that could be found in IULI’s Laboratory (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae).
Amal said, “Have you ever been impressed by the natural aroma after pouring rain? I do believe that you have felt that way, feeling refreshed after rain, and there is a certain aroma that is being inhaled which relaxes your mind and your body. Yet some people still don’t know where this feeling comes from. So basically, the paper covered this kind of aroma that you don’t realize exists.”