16 December 2016 – IULI along with other partners, such as the Habibie Center, PulseLab Jakarta, and Wantiknas, Berkarya! Indonesia, was invited by the Royal Danish Embassy to be a co-host for a seminar titled ‘Disruptive Technology: Opportunity or Challenge for Indonesia’. This event was held in the Habibie & Ainun Library at Patra Kuningan, Jakarta. The seminar was opened by H.E Casper Klynge, the Danish Ambassador to Indonesia, and also had speeches by the panelists, Dr.-Ing. Ilham Habibie, Chairman of the Institute for Democracy through Science and Technology, Mr. Thomas Jul, CEO of Ericsson Indonesia, Ms. Martha Rennberg, expert in 3D printing and associate partner at DareDisrupt, and Prof. Firmanzah, Rector of Paramadina University. Together, they discussed the future of new technology and how Indonesia can adapt to major new technological developments. The seminar also brought together selected representatives from government, the private sector, academia, and international civil society.
The question & answer session involved IULI students who have developed a social movement application in response to sexual abuse issues. Adrian Arney Luhulima, a third semester International Relations student from IULI said, “We are currently developing a social movement application on smartphones for combating sexual assault by having an immediate call to police with a location feature. Could this kind of application innovation be categorized as disruptive technology?” That question received a positive response from the panelists.

Related seminars will be held again in 2017, looking at new technological development with specific topics such as robotics, automation, and drones.