On Saturday, 17 September, 2016 sent staff and students to four schools (see below). The aim of the visits was to tell potential students and their parents more about what IULI has to offer.
Over a very busy day at each school, large numbers of potential students and their parents got to know more about study at IULI through intensive ‘family, student and IULI’ discussion, the distribution of brochures and our invitation to follow up through a visit, email or phone call to IULI.
Key points that arose were the internship abroad for semester 6 students and its benefits for future employment, the study programs offered, the use of English as IULI’s medium of instruction, the benefits of small class sizes and the benefits of a dual/joint degree.
As always, IULI students were a credit to their university and we were very impressed by the knowledge and questions of the parents and potential students.
Santa Ursula, BSD
Vice Rector, Head of Mechatronics Engineering study program, Head of General Subjects, staff members and students visited Santa Ursula high school, Bumi Serpong Damai.
Tzu Chi
Dean of Engineering Faculty, staff members and students visited Tzu Chi School, Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta
SMAK Penabur 2
Dean of Life Sciences Faculty, staff members and students visited SMAK Penabur 2, Pintu Air, Jakarta.
SMA Kanisius
IULI’s Rector, staff members and students visited SMA Kanisius, Jakarta.