On Friday, 14 October 2016, Student Organization (BEM) held a third Futsal and Basketball internal cup,
Futsal Competition
A third IULI internal futsal competition was held on Friday, October 7 2016 and took place in Spartan, Alam Sutera. The competition involved 6 male teams (2 male teams from each faculty) and 3 female teams (1 female team) from each faculty. This internal cup is the first internal cup for students 2016/2017. Every faculty tried to bring every student they had, and the atmosphere was intense, though friendly. In addition, the competition was cheerful because everybody participated in order to create a great vibe and solidarity with one another.
In the end, Life Science team A, which consisted of Bhisma, Che, Fariz, Fakhri, Irfan, Nadiv, and Zacky, were first winners after a fierce final with Engineering team A, which consisted of Fachrul, Ghiffari, Joshua K, Luthfi, Radit, Verdy, and Yosam. The final score was 5-4. The top scorer was Che Ghivara from Biomedical Engineering with 6 goals and he was the MVP of the internal cup this semester. On the girls’ side, the Faculty of Engineering was the winner after a final match with the Faculty of Life Sciences with the score 1-0 . The MVP from the girls’ side was Nini from Mechatronics Engineering with 1 goal.
“The Internal cup that was held by the Student Executive Board was very interesting because it is a refreshment for students in the middle of a tight schedule. As a participant, this internal cup isn’t just a competition that is intended to find a winner but as a facility to strengthen the solidarity between students,” said Nini, Aviation Engineering 2016
Basketball Competition
After a very intense student schedule, the third internal basketball competition was held on Friday, October 14 2016. The competition was held in Gold’s Gym, The Breeze. This cup is a competition between faculties in IULI. So, each faculty sends 2 male teams and 1 female teams to compete in this internal cup. Of course, the first batch and second batch are involved as one team as long as they are in the same faculty. This internal cup is the first internal cup for the second batch; therefore, it was hoped that they would come and support their faculty even if they were not playing.
After several tight matches, the final was between Life Science team A, which consisted of Bhisma, Che, Danis, Fariz, Irfan, and Nadiv, and Engineering team A which consisted of Andrew, Brian, Ebro, Henggar, Joshua P, and Kevin M. After a very close and fierce match, the winner was Engineering with the score 21-19. The MVP from the boys’ side was Fariz from Chemical Engineering. On the girls’ side, the winner was the Faculty of Social Science and the MVP was Felia from International Relations.
“We didn’t expect to win one of the competitions because we have only a few members in our faculty, but we did! However, this internal cup isn’t about winning or losing. This internal cup is about cultivating the bonds between each other; it feels like we have a family bonding between 1st batch and 2nd batch, especially in my faculty.” said Fariz, Chemical Engineering 2016