IULI proudly announce the establishment of its first parents’ association (PA). It was established during Orientation Week when parents met IULI management and showed their enthusiasm and be involved in the life of IULI.
The parents’ association committee consists of Mr. Sam Alkaaf, Head of PA, parent of Nabila Safira Alkaaf, Aviation Engineering, Mr. Thendri Supriatno, Deputy Head, parent of Tria Ananditya, Industrial Engineering, Mrs. Yenna Srimardiana, Secretary, parent of Nabila Restiara, Food Technology, Mr. Albert Franky Lesar, parent of Natasha Rachel, Hotel and Tourism Management, Mr. Indra Siregar, Treasurer, parent of M. Faza Siregar, Mechatronics Engineering.
The PA is the forum through which IULI parents express their happiness and concerns to IULI staff and management. It is a vital part of any successful university.