On Saturday, 24 September 2016, a IULI student from the International Business Administration department, Ms. Gyda Azarine T. Budiyati, presented a research paper on strategic planning. The presentation was delivered successfully ending in applause from the audience, especially because Gyda is only a third semester student.
This year’s SIBR (Society of Interdiciplinary Business Research) International Conference was held in Hong Kong, on 24 – 25 September 2016. The conference theme is “Learning from Each Other – Theories & Methodologies Across Disciplines”. The SIBR conference brings together academics and professionals from business and economics disciplines to share their latest research findings and brainstorm new research ideas across disciplines. It is a unique forum for researchers with cross-disciplinary interests to meet and interact. Research papers using theoretical, quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods approaches are encouraged as are those using interdisciplinary approaches.