IULI, 6 December 2016. A Christmas was celebrated by IULI students with orphans from Pa van der Steur on Friday, 2 December in IULI Lounge, The Breeze. The event is called Christmas Wonderland. The event was attended by orphans and staff from Pa van der Steur and of course, students and staff from IULI. The event was opened at 5 pm by the speech that was given from Deby, the head of the event. Then, there was a speech by Fachrul as the head of the student council and followed by other speech from Prof. Peter Al. Pscheid and the last speech was given by Dr. Ir. Tutuko Prajogo as the rector of the IULI.
After opening speech from several people, there was ngarojeng dance that was performed by IULI students. Not only IULI students who gave performance, but orphans from Pa van der Steur also gave some performances like choir, yamko rambe yamko dance, and also an angklung performance. After several performances by Pa van der Steur orphanage, there was Saman dance by IULI Saman Club, choir by IULI Choir Club and also theater performance by IULI Theater Club. Of course, the main reason why the event was conducted was to make kids happy so, there was quizzes for Pa van der Steur orphanage and some winners got presents. After having fun with kids, there was a speech from Tante Nel as the representative from Pa van der Steur orphanage and there was prayer that was led by Nadia Ginanjar. Finally, the event was closed by having dinner between Pa van der Steur orphanage and IULI students and staffs and the dinner itself was accompanied by IULI band performance.
In the end, everybody had communication between each other for instance, IULI students with some kids from Pa van der Steur. They also had some fun like playing, teasing, and also took some selfies and photographs. Though, there were not so many IULI students came to the event due to the silent week but the event was succeeded.