Klara Elvina Lukmanto, student of the Food Technology Department, departed to Ilmenau, Germany, for her Double Degree program with TU Ilmenau. She will be in Germany for 1 year to complete the program in 7th and 8th semester.
Klara departed earlier than the rest of the group to take an advanced German Language course prior to the academic program in October 2019.
Stephen Lowis Putra, Bryan Michael Gozari, Harman Riady Sianyoto and Nadhifah Arianda Alika Putri from Mechatronics Engineering 2016 , Karissa Adelia Wiratisna, Vathra Arya Laena Putri and Muhammad Tauhid Yusham Guntur Putra from Aviation Engineering 2016 have also departed to Germany for the advanced German Language Course. After the course they will begin their International Joint Degree Program at TU Ilmenau for the 7th and 8th Semester.