IULI students taking the tax systems course were introduced to new skills as tax experts. They were assigned to organize an online event where they played the role of tax experts.
Starting from November to December 2020 the students focused on 3 topics:
How Goverment Increase the Tax Revenue in the middle of Covid-19, the role of Millenials Generetaion in the succes of the taxation system in reduce the fraud of taxpayers and tax officials, and how Indonesian Taxation build good goverment and good business in local and International area.
This event was held under the supervision of their lecturer Ms. Afera Wijayanti, MSi. and was attended by IULI students who take Tax courses, IULI students outside of tax, students outside IULI (Netherlands, Malaysia, Jakarta, Depok UI) and Highschool students.
The reason behind holding such an event is because many people or students who want to start a business , are doing business or are studying in the field of economics, business or outside these fields, often do not like and avoid talking about matters concerning taxes. This is because it is difficult to understand and some even consider that tax is identical to the expropriation of their property rights.
This discussion was held specifically to improve the quality of IULI students in recognizing and understanding the importance of taxes in Indonesia, after they learned the concept of the tax system in Indonesia and how to calculate it while attending Tax lectures.
The outcome of this event was excellent, because all the speakers and participants were enthusiastic and eager to ask questions.
Especially for IULI students, who took the Tax System courses, became more open-minded and aware of the importance of taxes of Indonesia’s economy and in the business world. Another important result is that they agreed that as good Indonesian citizens, they must be obedient in paying taxes.
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