Some of you might not yet grasp the idea of a photo exhibition. It is a display of certain pictures taken, usually following a certain theme. These pictures contribute to a display which is displayed in a certain space, usually in a public space (where the public can see it). The venues for photo exhibitions vary as they can be held in almost any public space. It is common for photo exhibitions to be held in malls, museums, etc. The purpose of having a photo exhibition is to display the pictures that have been taken by photographers, who support a certain event or cause.
For this particular photo exhibition, the pictures that are displayed are pictures that were taken in the Bogor botanical gardens a few weeks ago as one of the activities of the IULI photography club. The members of the club decided to gather and go to Bogor on the 17th of September to take pictures with “Humans and Nature” as the theme. The abundance of objects to shoot in the location made for a fun experience as a lot of objects could be a part of the next great picture.
This photo exhibition has been running since 12th October 2016 in GOP6 to showcase the results of the first photography club activity held with the new IULI students from the 2016 batch. Though this photo exhibition, you can take a look at some of the exciting pictures taken by members of the photography club. You might find some of these pictures interesting or aesthetic. It might even inspire you to join the club and share a perspective of your own.
Members that contributed to this display are Dali , Anjanette, Riva, Bobby, Ronald, and Winna.