15 June, 2017 – the Dean of Business and Social Sciences at IULI, Dr. Samuel Prasetya, conducted teacher training sessions for high school teachers in SMA Plus Pembangunan Jaya in Bintaro Jaya, Tangerang. There were more than 40 teachers attending from various backgrounds and subject areas. The main topic of these sessions was academic writing and why it is so important for teachers and lecturers.
Government regulations actually require teachers and lecturers to have some kinds of research and publications in various media, such as newspapers, magazines & academic journals, including book writing. Points towards institutional accreditation can make up about 30-40% of the total allocated points for the institution.
Teachers can start with popular writings, such as novels, diaries, how-to and tips & tricks (with an official ISSN from LIPI), or can go directly to scientific writings, such as books, exercises, articles for journals (with an official ISBN from the National Library in Indonesia).
The sessions offered tips on using MS Word version 2007 so that later on teachers and lecturers can use the automated referencing based on the most updated format of referencing, such as APA, Chicago, MLA and Turabian.
It is important to work in teams when writing papers, books and publications to share workloads, ideas, and tasks in research activities. Teachers can, of course, collaborate on topics. To help this process, it is planned to have a mailing list among teachers of SMA PJ and Dr. Samuel.
Finally, the development of any country is based upon research activities & publications. Apart from the ideas and improvements produced by research, publication allows a country to enhance its academic prestige in the community of nations (MiE/SaP).