IULI University in Bali with ASIIN Germany “Advancing Higher Education Excellence in Indonesia and Germany”

The ASIIN Indonesia conference (Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik), which is being held on 30 September – 01 October 2024 in Sanur Bali, explores a variety of topics aimed at enhancing the higher education environment in Indonesia and abroad, with a focus on the long-standing collaboration between Germany and Indonesia, and the title of the event is “Shaping Tomorrow’s Minds: Advancing Higher Education Excellence in Indonesia and Germany”

IULI University was invited by ASIIN Germany to share experiences in cooperation with Germany. Rector of IULI University, one of the speakers,  Tutun Nugraha, BASc, MASc, Ph.D  attended the conference and during the Conference, Tutun Nugraha shared the experience of IULI University in building cooperation with German Universities for 10 years which will benefit the students to study in Germany, through Exchange Student Program, Double Degree and Internship work in Germany, as well as future Master’s Degree in Germany. Such cooperation faces many challenges due to differences in regulations, equivalency in academic quality, language, and financial matters.

The first part of the conference explores new approaches to teaching and learning, with a focus on artificial intelligence (AI). Experts from Germany and Indonesia will present an overview of current discussions, projects, and policies surrounding AI in higher education, giving thoughts on harnessing AI for teaching, learning, research, and administration.

The conference showcases effective instances of international cooperation in higher education and the supply of skilled labor between Germany and Indonesia. Participants will get knowledge about the German Academic Exchange Service’s exchange programs for higher education institutions in Indonesia (DAAD). Best practices for creating and executing joint and double degree programs between universities in both nations will also be discussed. The significance of skilled labor exchange between the two countries, emphasized by highlighting the advantages of the German dual education model for skilled labor management.

A main topic of discussion is the global ranking and its effects on German and Indonesian higher education institutions.

Throughout the conference, ASIIN showcased its portfolio of quality assurance enhancement and capacity-building initiatives, highlighting how they may help the higher education industry in Indonesia. They highlight innovative initiatives redefining international collaboration, such as the ASIIN Global University Network of Excellence (AGUNE) and the ASIIN Academy.

In conclusion, the conference seeks to be a catalyst for positive change by supporting the development and improvement of higher education in Indonesia, cultivating significant international collaborations, and tackling issues such as skilled labor shortages, graduate and student mobility, and assistance in developing higher education, and for this matter, IULI University is a pioneer university in Indonesia that has successfully collaborated with German Universities and DAAD program for 10 years. (red: AfW)

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