On Wednesday, May 23, 2018, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Ir. Prianggada I Tanaya, MME, the Head of Department of Aviation Engineering, Neno Ruseno, ST, M.Sc along with Prof. Dr. Ir. Djoko Karmiadji, MSME, visited the Pancasila University. The aim of the visit was to get to know each other, and to look into cooperation within academic and/or research activities.
Our visiting delegation was warmly welcomed by the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (Academic), Dr. Herawati Zetha Rahman, ST. MT., the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (General Administration & Finance), Dr. Ir. Dwi Rahmalina, MT, the Head of the Industrial Engineering Department, Ir. Rini Prasetyani, MT., and the Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department, Hendri Sukma, ST. MT. We visited, amongst others, the statistics and optimization lab, the ergonomics lab, the CNC lab, the mechatronics lab, the product design, and the CAD/CAM lab.
We had a warm and friendly discussion during our visit, and the possibility of cooperation and collaboration in research will be further explored. (Prianggada Indra Tanaya)