5 September 2017 – The Association of Mechatronics Engineering (AoME) held a Night of Solidarity and Inauguration for the Mechatronics Class of 2017 in the IULI Guest House, as a realization of AoME’s aims. The purpose of this event was to strengthen the relationship between mechatronics students from batches 2015 – 2017.

The event consisted of bonding games, an electronics workshop, morning exercise, and an  introduction for batch 2017 to the Association of Mechatronics Engineering  (AoME) as a student organization. The head of the mechatronics department, Mr. Maralo, stopped by on the first day to share his time and have dinner with the students.

“It was a really fun experience that I was glad to be a part of. It may have been really awkward at first, but as soon as we got to know each other, I could feel the amazing bond that formed between the batches of mechatronics from each batch,” Audrey (MTE 2015) said.

“We had so much fun during the mechatronics inauguration. New students got on well with each other and the seniors could get closer to the juniors. Personally, I am the one of the seniors that didn’t know the juniors very well, but, after the inauguration, I feel very comfortable having a chat with the juniors and joking around with them,” said Verdi (MTE 2015)

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