IULI Food Technology Lecturer, Ms. Mirza Rizqi Zulkarnain, STP, MSc was invited as the speaker in a Nutrition Seminar “Seminar Gizi Seimbang: Makanan Bergizi untuk Tumbuh-Kembang Anak” on Saturday, 23 November 2019, held by SDIT Permata Madani, Gunung Sindur, Bogor, West Java. The seminar was attended by many participants, mostly the parents and teachers of SDIT Permata Madani.
In this seminar, Ms. Mirza shared her views on malnutrition and its consequences, the current nutritional status of Indonesian children, the government’s program to enhance the nutritional status in Indonesia and the guidelines for a balanced diet. Many questions were enthusiastically asked by participants during discussion, especially related to their children’s eating habits and health problems.