Poetry Night for Mother Earth

#SajakSelasa is a poetry appreciation program and a collaboration of other performing arts forms organized by Bentara Budaya Jakarta with Komunitas Bentara Muda.


The event, which was held on Tuesday, 24th April 2018 waas called “Poetry Night for Mother Earth”, and was organized to commemorate Kartini Day and Earth Day. Two IULI students of class of 2017, Youvita of Industrial Engineering and Reihana of International Relations, as well as IULI staff Ms. Epri Pratiwi, participated in reading poetries about environment and climate change. They also showed a video of a local photographer, Sakhnaz who focused on environmental damage in Cirebon.


This event was open for public. The 21 participants coming from various professions took the opportunity to read their poems, in addition to performing cross-form performances between poetry, music, art, photography, multimedia, and karawitan (EpP/SaK).



-Photos by Dali Bayu Aji (MTE16)




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