Learn everything about Fluid and Partical Mechanics, Microbiology, Separation Processes, Plant Health and Safety, Chemical Plant Design
Chemical engineers specialised in the design and operation of modern industrial manufacturing plants, to produce various useful and valuable materials, in the most economical way and the most environmental friendly ways. Contributions of Chemical Engineers for future development and field implementation of high tech industries are crucial so that it will continue to benefit and improve human prosperity.
Countless useful daily products are coming out from chemical manufacturing industries including oil and gas, biofuel, herbal and pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, plastics/polymers, textiles, healthcare and personal hygiene products, construction materials, pulp and paper, petrochemicals, food processing, fermentation products, specialty chemicals, microelectronics, electronic and advanced materials, nanomaterial, bioprocess and biotechnological products, battery and other materials for energy industries, environmental health and safety industries etc.
Students will be guided and equipped with the knowledge and skills relevant for future applications in manufacturing industries, in order to understand the concept of process and technology required in converting raw materials with low economic value, into final products that are needed by the society with substantially higher economic value for profitability. Needless to say, the process developed by chemical engineers must also be safe for the environment.
Chemistry • Physical Chemistry • Mass and Energy balance • Thermodynamics • Fluid and Particle Mechanics • Heat and Mass Transfer • Chemical Reactor Engineering Design • Chemical Engineering Laboratories • Separation Process • Distillation • Extraction and purification • Membrane Technology • Unit Process Design • Health and Occupational Safety • Microbiology • Bioreactor, Bioprocess and Biotechnology • Fermentation Technology • Nanotechnology • Innovations and new Products development • Herbal Medicine, Nutraceuticals and Cosmetics • Engineering Economics • Chemical Engineering Plant Design
Academic Degree: Sarjana Teknik (S.T.) + Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Legal Base/Accreditation: SK DIKTI No. 425/E/O/2014
Duration of Study: 6 semesters at IULI + 2 semesters abroad (International Program) or 8 Semester at IULI (National Degree only)
Language of Instruction: English
Tuition Fees: IDR 30 Million/semester, No Development Fees.
Scholarships available (up to 75%)
Academic Year: Even Semester (March – August) + Odd Semester (September-February)
Academic weeks/semester: 14 weeks + 2 exams
SKS/ECTS per semester: 24/34
SKS/ECTS per study: 144-160 / 202-224
Duration of a lecture: 50 minutes
Number of students per class: 10-15
Textbook List: Download
Curriculum in English: Download
Curriculum in Bahasa Indonesia: Download
Syllabus: Download
If you are a person with a desire to open your professional career through an occupation that will help you to contribute with important and valuable duties for the benefit of society and the environment; we tell you that a Chemical Engineering Degree would be an excellent option for you.
A chemical engineer is a professional specialized in the design and operation of modern industrial manufacturing plants. He or she is responsible for the production of a variety of useful materials in environmentally friendly ways.
Chemical engineers play a fundamental role in the implementation of high technology in industries, and their contribution to future development is essential. Thanks to their performance, we citizens can enjoy the production of countless products of daily use.
Among these, we can mention pharmaceuticals, plastics, cosmetics, biofuels, textile polymers, personal hygiene products, construction materials, petrochemicals, fermentation products, specialty chemicals, electronics and advanced materials, food processing, batteries, etc.
As you may have noticed, the areas of actions of this professional are really wide and enriching, and without any doubt they are proof of the fundamental role they have in society.
In summary, chemical engineers are professionals who through their work are in charge of transforming raw materials into ready-to-use products, supported by scientific discoveries that help them safely develop these products.
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