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Industrial and Systems Engineering (Industrial Engineering) is an interdisciplinary engineering science that uses mathematical, physical, and social sciences, together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design to specify, predict, and evaluate the industrial systems and processes.
Industrial and Systems Engineer will deal with the components of system resources such as material, man, machine, organization, information, and energy. Industrial and Systems Engineers are able to create new systems, processes or situations for the useful coordination of the resources. They deliver the improvement and optimisation of systems based on cost, time, quality, productivity, and efficiency.
Students in this degree program will receive the necessary competences for the development of factory either product-or service-based processes. The factory may include automotive or aircraft industries that may involve design-manufacturing-assembly-maintenance, computing-information based industries, medical-health technology-based business, Internet Of Things, etc. The term Industrial and Systems Engineering has known worldwide as an interdisciplinary approach to the design, development, and optimisation of complex systems where the synergy of man, machine, material, organisation, information and energy are involved.
Product Design • Production Engineering • Human Factors and Ergonomics • Sociological and Psychological technical system • Automation Technology • Big Data Analytics • Machine Learning • Maintenance Engineering • Supply-Chain • Occupational Safety and Health • Systems Engineering • Quality Control Engineering and Assurance • Operations Engineering • Manufacturing Execution Systems
Academic Degree: Sarjana Teknik (S.T.) + Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Legal Base/Accreditation: SK DIKTI No. 425/E/O/2014
Duration of Study: 6 semesters at IULI + 2 semesters abroad (International Program) or 8 Semester at IULI (National Degree only)
Language of Instruction: English
Tuition Fees: IDR 30 Million/semester, No Development Fees.
Scholarships available (up to 75%)
Academic Year: Even Semester (March – August) + Odd Semester (September-February)
Academic weeks/semester: 14 weeks + 2 exams
SKS/ECTS per semester: 24/34
SKS/ECTS per study: 144-160 / 202-224
Duration of a lecture: 50 minutes
Number of students per class: 10-15
Textbook List: Download
Curriculum in English: Download
Curriculum in Bahasa Indonesia: Download
Syllabus: Download
When a person chooses to study at university, it is with the firm intention of becoming a professional in a specific area, in which she or he expects to find a wide range of possibilities. Accordingly, he or she will always be inclined to find a university that enjoys the prestige and experience necessary to succeed.
IULI (International University Liaison Indonesia) is a renowned private university that has been offering attractive Bachelor study programs since 2014 and has agreements with universities in Germany, Switzerland and Taiwan. Among the variety of study programs offered is Industrial Engineering as an international Bachelor study program.
If you are a dynamic, analytical person with a gift for leadership, this study field can be very appealing to you. An industrial engineer is the professional responsible for developing studies and inspecting programs and projects aimed at optimizing various resources such as technology, equipment, and others. It is directly linked to the procedures carried out to improve the levels of productivity and efficiency within an organization or company, which includes, of course, human resources.
Studying Industrial Engineering opens the door to great possibilities to be hired by large companies, factories, industries and even consulting firms, thanks to the active role played by this professional to give a positive spin on the various procedures that influence the growth of different sectors.
An industrial engineer is a professional who has ample opportunities to integrate into different sectors, such as transportation, administration and finance, health, and even government entities. Professionals in this area are in charge of planning and creating new systems that contribute to better coordination of resources. They are responsible for optimizing systems based on time, quality, cost, efficiency and productivity.
The areas of occupation as we have already mentioned can be very varied. Students will therefore graduate at IULI fully prepared with a Bachelor´s degree in Industrial Engineering, to respond positively in assembly and maintenance factories; like product design, Big Data analysis, production engineering, technology, etc..
IULI is a prestigious university based in BSD City near Jakarta that has international degree programs, with which its students can access a higher education experience in countries such as Germany, Switzerland and Taiwan.
IULI operates with full legality, having the SK DIKTI license No. 425/E/O/O/2014 granted by the Government of Indonesia. Similarly, its study programs have accreditations from the Indonesian Government National Accreditation Body BAN-PT, certified by TÜV Rheinland, according to ISO 9001.
All programs are taught in English, giving young people a great opportunity to access international education at the highest level, based on the Indonesian and German educational system. Through this unsurpassable experience students have the great advantage of learning English and German, being able to speak fluently, thanks to free classes taught by native speakers. Without a doubt, IULI offers a great opportunity to enter the international job market.
International studies do not only include Germany as a destination; students can choose to continue their education in Switzerland or Taiwan for two semesters where they will enjoy face-to-face classes and laboratory practice.
Another great attraction of this program promoted by IULI is the internships for a period of three to six months, where students will have their first contact with the international labor market. In addition, each student will develop his or her thesis under the tutelage of a German, Taiwanese or Swiss professor, depending on his or her choice.
The programs offered by IULI include bachelor’s degrees in engineering, business, social, and biological sciences. Each course lasts 8 semesters and is taught in English. Upon completion of the International Degree program, the student will graduate with a national degree (S1, Sarjana Teknik) and an international degree (BA of Arts/ Science).
Among the magnificent options offered by our national and international institutes, students can benefit from scholarships, from an important cultural exchange, learning new languages and accrediting themselves with an international degree in different fields of great demand on the international labor market.
To get more information, please contact our student support center: +62 852 123 18000. Click here to start a WhatsApp Chat.
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